Save Tigers: An Overview Under Critical Supervisions
As the record says, India probably is having few thousand tigers left in the global system. The National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA) and Wildlife Institute of India (WII) is making regular surveys associated with NGOs which stated 2,967 (range 2400-3050) about the present tiger population as per the 2018 report. In 2002 the report stated 3,642. This gradual decreasing rate is alarming for the whole of mother nature.
Tigers are not just some wild animals’ livings in the forest or charismatic animals. It is simply considered the pivotal structure of the whole biosystem. It simply keeps the biosystem perfect in every way. It maintains the ecosystem in a better way as it is not sufficiently protected. The tigers maintain a check and make an offer for the well-being of the whole ecosystem to a better level.
If the tigers go extinct then the whole system will collapse. There are indeed so many species like Dodos in Mauritius, Acacia tree species stopped regenerating, and there are many fishes that are also going extinct. So, we need to take care of the tigers and save the whole ecosystem/. Not only the animal but we need to protect nature, pollution, flora, and fauna which can make it perfect. All you need here is the idea to make it goes right.
Sundarban tourism allows people to watch these spices and also save these tigers. Provide the right kind of security and checkup that they need from the human. There is no shame in saying that we are the ones who are killing the tigers so we need to stop this otherwise it will be our turn instead. One day mother nature will take back what is given to us.
Tourism saves plants, animals, and even different birds. There is governmental jurisdiction over many of the activities so that the ecosystem is maintained properly. You can check out the list of rules that are presented here which divided the jungle into three parts - The core, safari, and reserve. No one is allowed in the core area. It is a danger for both entities. These things are maintained. Another thing is the pollution is highly maintained which is created by us so government strictly ban on plastic throwing.
There are provisions for you to offer some donations so that the tigers can be saved along with the whole area. The Sundarbans people depend mostly on tourism and honey. So this is very necessary for them and if someone offers help to them then it would have been their great pleasure. It is good to help them as they can uplift their living and their children can be giving you the best that they deserve. Governmental aid is not always sufficient or properly reached but personal would save people & the tigers too. Even one step forward can make a change.
Save tiger project is a human oriented and you need to promote it as much you can so that it becomes real.